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Tips for Learning CAD Software

Tips for Learning CAD Software


There are many benefits to learning Computer Aided Design software, commonly referred to as CAD. However, most versions are fairly complex, especially depending on the software’s purpose.  Here are some tips to help the process seem less daunting in the beginning phases of learning.


Read Software Documentation


Not reading the software documentation such as manuals and visual guides is the number one most common reason people have trouble learning new software. Granted, the documentation only takes you so far, but it is invaluable to learn basic setup and terminology. This applies not only to the core software itself but also to any add-ons and AutoCAD plug-in applications, which are actually some of the best features of CAD programs. Software often doesn’t work quite as expected, and knowing the manuals inside and out can make a big difference in problem-solving.


Watch Tutorial Videos


After you have thoroughly read and digested the documentation, write down your burning questions (you’re certain to have many) and then look up the answers on either the software publisher’s website or YouTube. Many publishers of complex programs actually have official learning channels on YouTube for their users. These videos can be extraordinarily helpful, since you get to see the instructor perform certain tasks visually, step-by-step.


Take Instructional Courses


If you plan to become an advanced user, it is often worthwhile to take an instructional software course. Especially if using the software will be for your job or personal business, you should plan to become as proficient as possible. Nearly everyone can learn basic to intermediate functions in CAD, but since it is so complex, most people will need an expert to learn the most complicated skills.


Hopefully, now you have a good idea of how to begin learning CAD programs. Take it one step at a time, do everything twice, and you’re certain to succeed.

About Noob Blogger

Publisher / Editor / Owner of Blog For Noob.

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