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5 Tips for Creating a Click-Worthy Website

5 Tips for Creating a Click-Worthy Website

If you’re starting a new business, a website should be one of your top priorities. However, it’s tough to know where to start. Not only do you need great content, but you’ll need a great design, too. So here are a few tips on how to create a click-inducing website.

Name Your Site

This probably goes without saying, but a good site name is essential to success. You want to choose a name that reflects your purpose. Don’t worry if your ideal name isn’t available on your top domain name source. Simply tack on what you do to the end of your site title.  

Choose a Theme

If you’re a beginner, a website builder that offers templates will be your best choice for site design. All you have to do is plug in your content, and the rest will be taken care of on the back end. Just make sure it has excellent branding options, such as a logo creator, themes, newsletter signups, and so forth.

Use Menus

Menus are a great way to organize your content and make a site user-friendly. Separate pages for contact information, products, news, and your bio, among other things, will make it easier for users to navigate your site.

Create a Catchy Site Title

Many builders will have an option to create a site title that will appear in search results that describes your site. Create something eye-catching that will draw users in. Essentially, write something that will make users want to know more about you.

A logo doesn’t have to be hard to create yourself, and in most cases, simple is best. Simply do a quick internet search to see what other people in your field have done and design your logo to fit the market. You can use an online graphic design site or create something yourself using a word processor. 

Remember, designing your website doesn’t need to be complicated. There are many tools that can help make the process relatively seamless. Follow the tips outlined here to ensure your site is user-friendly and click-worthy.

About Noob Blogger

Publisher / Editor / Owner of Blog For Noob.

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