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UST Attempts For The World’s Largest Human Cross

UST Attempts For The World’s Largest Human Cross

About 24,000 Thomasians formed a big human cross for a attempt in making a Guiness World Record of making the world’s largest human cross. The professors and students were asked to wear black and white t-shirts to make a realistic cross.

“At the beginning we tried the biggest human rosary right? So the students requested that we also do something for Guinness. So we thought for Ash Wednesday we could do the attempt for the biggest human cross and this is the reason for that,” Fr. Winston Cabading, vice-rector of UST’s Office on Religious Affairs said. “But at the same time we thought of the cross as a perfect symbol for Ash Wednesday the beginning of Lent. The symbol of the cross is not simply the cross but a Dominican cross so that it will symbolize better the Dominican and Catholic identity of Santo Tomas,” he added.

Some UST officials said that with this attempt they also want to convey a message that they’re really against the RH Bill.

There is still no official record for the number of participants. However, with such estimated number of students and professors, the attempt will be successful.

UST Attempts For The World’s Largest Human Cross

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