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UK High Court: Man with Low IQ Banned to have Sex

UK High Court: Man with Low IQ Banned to have Sex
When we thought that sex is the greatest gift given by the heavens to mankind no matter what his color, race and social standing is, better ask yourself first before you take your passion to the next level when you read this news from the United Kingdom.

A judge ordered a man with a low IQ to be banned from having sex and is now subject to “close supervision” by authorities to ensure that he follow the High Court’s order.

The subject of this very unusual court order is a 41-year old man who is into a same-sex relationship.

A local council allegedly decided that the man’s “vigorous sex drive” was inappropriate in relation to his IQ of 48. They said that with such an IQ and having “moderate” learning disability, the man definitely does not know what he was doing.

UK High Court: Man with Low IQ Banned to have Sex

A man with an IQ of 48 has been ordered to stop having sex by a High Court judge.Known only as Alan, the 41-year-old was in a relationship with a man he lived with and said he wanted it to continue.However, his local council said his ‘vigorous sex drive’ was inappropriate so started legal proceedings to restrict the relationship.

Still, the judge called the case “legally, intellectually and morally” complex and said the court must “tread especially carefully” when the state tries to curtail such a basic human function as sex.

The case began in June 2009, when the local council started court proceedings to restrict Alan’s contact with the man, identified as Kieron. Alan has been prevented since then from sexual activity, except when he’s alone, the Telegraph’s report said.

In Britain, the Court of Protection can make decisions for people deemed to lack the intelligence to make them themselves. These people can be ordered to undergo surgery, have abortions, be forced to use contraception – even have life support switched off.

Alan was described as “sociable” but “seriously challenged in all aspects of his mental functionality.” He had been accused of making lewd gestures at children, but no police action was taken, the Telegraph said.

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