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Middle Eastern Expertise Is Redefining International Relations

Financial experts, such as Shahram Shirkhani and others, are helping to redefine the position that the Middle East plays in world affairs. By concentrating on the issues that affect all of mankind, these experts are working to focus the thrust of world financial and political activity in a positive direction that will defuse the current atmosphere of tension and mistrust. Whether these initiatives prove successful in the long run is a question that the world can only wait with bated breath to receive the answer to.

Issues Of Trust And Mutual Understanding Are Being Discussed

The most encouraging news for mankind is that these age old questions of cultural and political division are now finally being discussed in an impartial and objective manner. For example, the recent round of nuclear arms prevention between the nation of Iran and the United States has led to a great deal of outcry and controversy, but has also undeniably opened the door to a new level of intimacy and communication between the two countries.

Financial Agreements Can Lead To Increased Cooperation

Perhaps the main bit of encouraging news that is coming out of Iran these days is the recent spate of trade agreements that have been painstakingly negotiated in the last few years. For example, nongovernmental organizations in Iran have managed to act as go betweens in a whole new series of agreements that involve their nation in a series of commercial arrangements with Great Britain. Much hope is being placed in these still ongoing and fragile agreements, but the payoff, if realized, will be extraordinary.

Symptoms Of A Continuing Dichotomy In The Region

These unprecedented agreements have been negotiated between Great Britain and Iran at a time when continuing unrest in the Middle Eastern region is competing with news of a major upsurge in political and economic power shared by many nations in the area. While these two competing streams may seem to be in conflict with each other, the truth is that both are symptoms of the continuing dichotomy that marks the region in the 21st century.

The Push And Pull Of Progress And Reaction

Many experts seem to believe that the entire recent history of the Middle Eastern region has consisted of the continuing push and pull of progress and reaction. While there may certainly be a certain amount of truth in this assumption, the fact of the matter is that Iran and other nations in the Middle East are experiencing massive levels of economic growth, punctuated by a slow and steady growth in the call for increased democracy and an expansion in the rights allowed to women and workers.

Rising To A New Level Of Increased Economic Cooperation

In the end, of course, the goal for all nations of the Middle East is to attain to a new level of increased economic and political understanding between themselves and the West. While such an arrangement will take many more years to fully achieve, the signs for a new era of harmony are apparent, and should be heartily welcomed and encouraged by all those who stand to benefit from it. While it is too early to call for a celebratory dinner, it is nonetheless true that such an ear of peace and prosperity is at least visible on the horizon.

About Noob Blogger

Publisher / Editor / Owner of Blog For Noob.

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