What Is LinkWorth?
various ways to make money selling text links with LinkWorth is a marketplace for buying and selling text links. They have lots of products to fulfill various kinds of requirements from publishers and advertisers. Bloggers are able to make money from their blogs selling text links in various ways on their blogs and advertisers are able to get high quality backlinks and traffic for their website in the form of text links which ultimately help them generate more business from their websites.
LinkWorth has 11 products in total that advertisers and publishers can use as per their need. Here is a brief introduction about all LinkWorth products:
1. LinkAds
Link Ads are normal text link ads that we use to place in our website and blog sidebars.
2. LinkPost
Link Posts are Sponsored Reviews that we accept from advertisers on our blogs.
3. LinkArt
With this product, advertisers send their articles with links to bloggers and website owners.
4. LinkDir
With this product, advertisers website details will be submitted into hundreds of top class directories from where they will getting high quality backlinks and thus will help improve their website search engine rankings.
5. LinkWords
Link Words are in content pay per click ads like Kontera and Google Adsense. With this kind of advertising option, advertisers have to choose the websites and blogs where they want to show their ads and for which words their ads will be shown up.
6. LinkInTxt
With this product, advertisers are able to buy in-text link ads. Advertisers need to decide the blogs and keywords for which they want to show their link ads.
7. LinkBB
With this product, publishers host advertisers content with links on their websites. With this, advertisers write content around their products with links and once the publisher approves it, will go live on publisher website.
8. LinkSura
With this product, Single URL Rotating Ads or popularity known as SURA ads are shown on publisher website. Publishers can show SURA ads on their website home page, selected pages or even on entire website.
9. LinkMura
Link Mura are multiple URL rotating ads where advertisers where advertisers are able to promote multiple URLs with various keywords on publishers websites.
10. LinkPack
With Link Pack, advertisers place their link ads on multiple websites and blogs from the same publisher. Publishers having several websites in same niche can make good money with Link Pack advertising service.
11. LinkPress
With Link Press, your press release will be distributed to major news websites including Reuters, MSNBS and CNN. And your press release will be soon indexed my major search engines including Google, Yahoo and Bing.
LinkWorth Use For Publishers (Bloggers Working As Partner)
We need to create a Partner account with LinkWorth to start earning money from our websites and blogs. Your website or blog need to be approved before you start getting make money online opportunities in your publisher account. They are keeping a 50:50 revenue share with its partners (Publishers). So for every money-making opportunity you get with LinkWorth, you will be paid half and the remaining half of amount will go into LinkWorth account.
But the good thing about selling text links with Link Worth is that you as publisher can set your own pricing in all 11 product categories where you decide you sell text links on your websites and blogs. Working as a publisher, I have so far made hundreds of dollars with Link Worth even through I was not much active on using their marketplace. Here is the list of some benefits you will get working as a publisher with Link Worth advertising website:
Can easily monetize your websites and blogs with LinkWorth
Get instant money making opportunities selling text link ads in different formats
Lots of advertisers available, so you will be able to earn some money with this advertising network even though with small niche websites
Your chances of making big money with them increase if you have network of high quality websites and blogs
You will have full control over the pricing and content that is being posted on your websites