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Maasin City: Obey Helmet Law or Else!

Maasin City: Obey Helmet Law or Else!

PNP OIC wants police to set example – MAASIN CITY — Policemen caught flaunting the National Helmet Law had better watch out. For according to Police Superintendent Jacinto Cesar his boss Police Senior Superintendent Allan Cuevillas the Acting Provincial Director has ordered that all PNP officers riding on motorcycles must wear crash helmets.

He said all visitors to their provincial headquarters at Camp Alfredo Bantug riding motorcycles must also wear crash helmets or they won’t be allowed inside the camp. Cesar also confirmed that the Towns of Silago, Hinunangan, Hinundayan, Anahawan, Pintuyan and Sogod were already strictly imposing the law in their area of responsibility.

The Mandatory Helmet Act which was signed into law in 2010 requires all motorcycle drivers and their passengers to wear crash helmets while on the road and imposes stiff penalties on violators. Under the law those caught not wearing protective helmets face a minimum fine of Php 1,500 and a maximum penalty of Php 10,000.

NEw Edge Helmet

Republic Act 10054 authored by Senator Ramon Revilla Jr., aims to protect motorcycle drivers, back-riders, as well as pedestrians from injuries and death in accidents. The law, however, exempts drivers of motorcycles with side cabs which is a common mode of transportation in the country.

He said wearing helmets would greatly reduce fatalities in road accidents and would also instill a sense of discipline on the drivers of the 3.5 million registered motorcycles in the country.

“Studies,” he added “show that good helmets and their proper use were 37 percent effective in preventing fatal injuries and 67 percent effective in preventing brain damage to motorcycle drivers and their passengers.

The law requires the Department of Trade and Industry to conduct mandatory tests on all locally manufactured and imported motorcycle helmets in the country to ensure they meet world safety standards.

Manufacturers and importers of motorcycle helmets are also required to secure a Philippine Standard mark or an import commodity clearance before they can sell and distribute their products or pay a fine of Php 10,000 to Php 20,000 if they violate the provision.

[Via SLT]

Maasin City: Obey Helmet Law or Else!

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