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Civil Service Exams

Civil Service Exam Results

May 2014 Civil Engineer Board Exam | List of Passers

The Professional Regulation Commission released on Wednesday, May 7, 2014 the official list of passers for the recently conducted May 2014 Civil Engineer Licensure Examination held in the cities of Manila, Cebu, Baguio, Cagayan de ...

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June 2013 Civil Service Exam results

The Civil Service Commission (CSC) announces the passers and results of the June 2013 Special Civil Service Exam Paper and Pencil Test (CSE-PPT) given to DENR and NAPC employees last June 16, 2013 in various ...

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CSC releases April 14, 2013 CSE-PPT results

The commission has posted the results on its website on Wednesday. Thousands of applicants who took the sub-professional and professional have been waiting for the results of the exam. Toggle on the respective regions to ...

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Civil Service Exam Room, School Assignment Online Notice (ONSA)

Examinees in the Career Service Examination — Paper and Pencil Test (CSE-PPT) to be conducted by the Civil Service Commission (CSC) across the country on April 14, 2013 may now check their respective room and ...

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Civil Service Exam Results October 2012 CS Exam Passers List

The Civil Service Commission released Friday the results of the Career Service Exam Paper and Pencil Test (CSE-PPT) conducted on October 21, 2012. The list of passers of the October 2012 CS exam, in both ...

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