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How To Improve Patient Satisfaction During Hospital Stays

How To Improve Patient Satisfaction During Hospital Stays

One of the highest complaints that come from patients during hospital stays is noise. Losing sleep is a part of being cared for in the hospital, but if you can create an environment where the excess noise is kept to a minimum, most patients will endure the stay more happily. What can you do to decrease sounds and improve the moods of your patients? Here are some quick tips.

Upgrade Equipment

Hospital items are constantly being updated as new technology arises. When beds wear down and need to be replaced, make sure you purchase ones with noise reducing casters attached. Old monitors can be replaced with new ones that don’t set off unnecessary alarms. Patients can be given headphones to watch television or the volume can be set at a maximum that won’t distract those in other rooms. Look for innovative ideas before you buy new items to ensure you are limiting noise.

Train Your Staff

One of the least expensive ways to reduce noise is to simply train staff well. Make sure doors on patient floors are shut quietly. If they are squeaky, fix them with a quick spray. Remind your employees to speak as if they are in a library, especially during the evening hours. Have nurses and technicians wait until morning to do blood draws and other tests if they are unnecessary to the patient’s care at night.

Ask For Feedback

Give patients and their families an easy way to let someone know about noise problems. Have them tell a nurse during the stay so the information can be sent to the proper places. Also, a survey can help you see common complaints that continue to arise. This can help you continually improve the hospital floors.

Watch your ratings rise as you take care of your patients in as many ways as possible while they are in your care.

About Noob Blogger

Publisher / Editor / Owner of Blog For Noob.

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