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BAR Exam Results

1,174 pass 2013 Bar Exams | March 18 2014

About one in five aspiring lawyers passed the 2013 Bar Examinations, the Supreme Court on Tuesday announced. Associate Justice Arturo Brion said 1,174 have passed what is considered the toughest licensure exams in the country. ...

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List of qualified examinees for 2013 Bar Exams

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October 2012 Philippine Bar Exam Results

he October 2012 Philippine Bar Exam Results is available here once the results is officiall announce by the Supreme Court. 5,686 qualified candidates were admitted by the high court to take the bar exams on ...

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October 2012 Bar Exam Results

1. A JOSE- AGUSTIN, Karren 2. ABASTILLAS, Lemuel 3. ABERIN, Ma. Christine 4. ABES, Royce Nieville 5. ABRENZOSA, Cleofe 6. ABUAN, Ruby Ryza 7. ACEDO, Kristian Josef 8. ACORDA, Jacqueline 9. ACOSTA, Lourdes Mae 10. ...

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2010 Bar Exam Results in 2011

2010 Bar Exam Results in 2011 1st Place – SINGZON, Jr. Cesareo Antonio S., Ateneo de Manila Univ. 89.00% 2nd Place – JAVIER, Filemon Ray L., Ateneo de Manila Univ. 86.95% 3rd Place – TOLENTINO, ...

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