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3 Factors That Determine Professional Photo Licensing

3 Factors That Determine Professional Photo Licensing

Individuals that seek a career in professional photography may consider selling the rights of their photos to a variety of clients. One of the most important steps to succeed in this profession is photo licensing Houston TX, which is essentially giving these entities specific permission to use images in exchange of compensation. However, no situation is the same, as different factors determine the type of licensing. 

1. Private or Commercial Use

Most of the clients who seek photographers’ services will use images for commercial use. They will likely incorporate the material on promotional items such as brochures, catalogs and other advertisements. Other times, they will use them for non-profit reasons, including blogs, internal newsletters and personal websites. Photographers need to create different contracts that have limitations and guidelines depending on the use. 

2. Timing and Frequency

Other factors that influence photo licensing include the timing and frequency of use. Newspapers, magazines and other publishers usually request first rights, meaning they can use them first before the photographers can resell them. Sometimes these licenses are country-specific, rather than a worldwide debut. Interested parties may also want one-time use rights, which allows them to use images a single time for a specific purpose. 

3. Exclusivity 

Many commercial clients ask for exclusive rights, sometimes known as serial rights. Under this contract, only they can use the images and the photographers are unable to use them anywhere else. This process is mostly used for photos of the company’s specific products or facilities. Non-exclusive rights allow the artists to resell the pictures as much as they want, since they are not exclusive to any client. These items are more general, with some of them being stock images. 

Professional photographers have a wide variety of clients who use their work to achieve different goals. These differences determine what kind of licensing occurs to ensure the rights to these photos. 

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