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Is the Work-at-Home Environment Good for You?

Is the Work-at-Home Environment Good for You?

Working from home may seem like a dream come true because you get to ditch the commute and work in your pajamas. However, many people discover that working at home just doesn’t suit them very well.

There are pros and cons to this setup. You should consider them all to see if working at home is really something that would work for you.


As mentioned, working at home means no commute. This saves money on fuel and wear and tear on your vehicle. It could also help you avoid auto accidents and other negatives involved with driving.

U.S. News and World Report also states that you get more flexibility when working at home. There is no way for someone to monitor you continuously, so if you need to toss laundry in the machine, you can run do that whenever it is convenient.

Another perk is that you can focus more on your work without the outside influences of coworkers or other office distractions. Instead of spending the first half-hour of your day at the watercooler talking with coworkers, you can start working right away and probably get a lot more done.


Working at home can be lonely. You won’t have a coworker beside you to talk to. You may not even leave your house for days at a time. It can be quite isolated, and if you are outgoing and extroverted, this could be a deal-breaker.

Another disadvantage is that you may find it more difficult to balance your work and home life. While you may not have coworker distractions, it could be worse with your family constantly needing your attention.

Working from home is not for everyone. You need to consider how well you would do in this environment before you take the leap and move your office into your home.



About Noob Blogger

Publisher / Editor / Owner of Blog For Noob.

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