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5 Tips for Wet Weather Driving

5 Tips for Wet Weather Driving

Slick roadways, low visibility, forceful winds, loud noises, and dazzling light shows are all a part of driving in a storm. These conditions cause issues if drivers are not properly prepared and do not handle their cars correctly in this type of weather. Do not become a statistic. Use these tips and stay safe the next time you face wet weather on the road.

Maintain Your Vehicle

One of the easiest ways to stay safe while driving through precipitation is to regularly and properly maintain your car and all its parts. As a renowned automobile parts manufacturer, CEO of Trico Group Patrick James, recognizes that automobiles function as a sum of their parts, so every piece must work right for vehicles to suitably function. Wet roadways particularly require top-notch performance. Replace malfunctioning wiper blades and lights right away, get your brakes routinely checked, never drive on bald tires, and have any strange sounds, different feelings, and warning notices investigated immediately to stay safe in the rain and snow.

Use the Right Lights

You might think the brighter the better in wet conditions, but the opposite is true. Always engage low-beam headlights when it is foggy, raining, or snowing. High beams produce too much direct light that reflects off the water droplets in the air, causing a glare that lowers visibility instead of improving it. 

Reduce Your Speed

Slowing down is another great way to stay safe on wet roadways. Wet roads are slicker and decreasing speed increases traction. Reducing speed also gives you more time to react to obstacles, make essential maneuvers, or stop. Lowering your speed often helps with visibility in rain and snow as well, which leads to fewer accidents.

Keep Your Distance

Just as easing off the gas peddle increases reaction time, expanding the distance between you and the cars ahead of you does too. Wet surfaces create less friction hence your vehicle will take a greater distance to stop safely. Maintaining distance from larger vehicles, such as semi-trucks, is also safer during wet weather because their large tires cause massive sprays of water that reduce visibility and cause accidents.

Turn Off Distractions

Driving without giving your full visual, manual, and/or cognitive attention, or distracted driving, is incredibly dangerous. Common distractions include using mobile phones, listening to music, and eating. Not paying full attention while driving is already precarious, but in wet conditions, your full attention is critical. Lower visibility, less friction, and the fact that wet weather is challenging enough on its own make any further distractions potentially fatal.

Manage Your Confidence

Taking risks in wet weather is never a smart idea. If the roadway is completely covered by water, never attempt to drive through it. Vehicles easily lose traction and get swept off the road by floodwaters. Low visibility is also not something to mess around with. If you cannot see, then turn on your caution lights and pull off the road until visibility returns or the weather changes.

Driving in wet weather conditions takes extra care, time, distance, thought, and caution. Remember it is much better to be late than to never arrive, so do not regret and drive safe when the road is wet.

About Noob Blogger

Publisher / Editor / Owner of Blog For Noob.

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